Collaborative review
HoloLens 1
VINCI AUTOROUTES | HoloLens brings construction projects to life
New methods of multi-user presentation thanks to augmented reality
View architectural and motorway projects in augmented reality
VINCI Autoroutes wanted to offer a complete package of visualization tools for its motorway network infrastructure and conversion projects.
HoloForge Interactive therefore created new multi-user presentation methods for architectural projects for VINCI Autoroutes using the HoloLens mixed-reality headset. These tools enable the VINCI Autoroutes teams to view a motorway project and its infrastructures in augmented reality as well as virtual reality, and to share them with the main stakeholders concerned.

Co-construct, discuss and enhance
In future, VINCI Autoroutes team members will be able to display the impact of projects directly on the ground, and also their integration in the landscape. Residents will thus be better able to understand the development of the site near their homes. Local elected officials will also be better able to assess the benefits and raise questions and implications for their constituents more quickly. Finally, organizations will be able to understand the impact on ecosystems in more concrete terms and, upstream, properly manage environmental protection issues, which are essential for all of us.
With this holographic model, everyone involved will share a clear common vision and better understanding of the plans, respecting each one’s constraints and requirements.
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