Lalibela | Museography

Lalibela | Museography

CNRS LALIBELA BACK g SECTOR Culture ? TYPE Mediation  PLATFORM HoloLens 2 E RELEASE 2021 Lalibela | Promoting cultural heritage with mixed reality The Ethiopian site Lalibela comes to life with holographic animations! Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Lalibela...
Holo-Math | Mediation

Holo-Math | Mediation

INSTITUT HENRI POINCARÉ HOLO-MATH BACK g SECTOR Education ? TYPE Mediation  PLATFORM HoloLens E RELEASE 2020 HOLO-MATH | Science is accessible thanks to augmented reality An Immersive Experience at the Heart of Maison Poincaré On September 27, 2023, the official...
Vallée du Loir | Mediation

Vallée du Loir | Mediation

LOIR VALLEY SAINT-LOUIS BACK g SECTOR Culture ? TYPE Mediation  PLATFORM HoloLens 1 E RELEASE 2019 LOIR VALLEY | Promoting French cultural heritage by augmented reality Immersive mixed-reality walk: preserving the local heritage with HoloLens Promote France’s...
HoloTour | Tourism

HoloTour | Tourism

MICROSOFT HOLOTOUR BACK g SECTOR Culture ? TYPE Virtual visit  PLATFORM HoloLens 1 & WMR E RELEASE 2016 HOLOTOUR | Travel with mixed reality Enjoy an immersive tourist and historic experience in your own home. Travel through space and time with HoloLens HoloTour...
Mont-Saint-Michel |  Museography

Mont-Saint-Michel | Museography

MICROSOFT | MUSÉE DES PLANS-RELIEFS Mont-Saint-Michel BACK g SECTOR Culture ? TYPE Mediation  PLATFORM HoloLens 1 & 2 E RELEASE 2019 MONT SAINT MICHEL | Digital view of model A cultural transmission challenge for museums France has a unique collection of small...