Legal notice


 Asobo Studio
SIRET: 443 752 795 00049
NAF code: Other IT activities (6209Z)
Registered office: 6 rue de la seiglière, 33 800 BORDEAUX

Publishing Manager:
Aurélie Belzanne


Limited company with capital of € 10,069,020
Lille Métropole Register of Trade and Companies424 761 419 00045
APE code 6202A
Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Cookies policy

A cookie is a file which is downloaded onto your computer when you visit certain websites. Cookies enable these websites to store and retrieve information about a user’s browsing habits on that website or their device and then to recognize them on the basis of this information.

This website uses Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies. However, the data obtained are limited in scope. They relate solely to the number of pages visited, the town or city in which the IP address used to connect to the website is located, the visit frequency, repeat visits, visit duration, the browser, operator or type of device from which the visit was made. Data such as the surname and given name of the user, or the postal address of the connection are not obtained under any circumstances.

    Links to third-party sites

    The publisher reserves the right to direct the website to third-party websites, if he so wishes. A web surfer who accesses these links leaves the site. The other sites are not under our control, and consequently the publisher is not responsible for the content of the other sites, the links which they contain or any changes or updates made to them.


      All elements of the website, in particular texts, presentations, illustrations, photographs, diagrams and layouts, unless they are public documents or supplementary details, are the exclusive intellectual property of the company ASOBO STUDIO or its partners.

        Disposition diverses

        Should any provision in this Legal Notice become invalid, or contain an omission, the provision in question shall be replaced by one which is as close as possible from a legal point of view.

        If you are dissatisfied with some or all of this website, or if you do not agree with these General Conditions, your sole remedy is to cease using it.

        You may contact us via the contact form if you have any questions regarding this Legal Notice.

        Your rights concerning personal data

        You have the right to access and request the rectification or erasure of all your personal data. You may also withdraw your consent to the processing of your data.

        The data protection officer

        For any additional information or a request to rectify your data, please contact us via our contact form.